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Lottery Simulator - Metadata

ID Created # white max white # red max red tickets Last Draw Draw
2589 2015-05-11 5 36 5 36 19,540 2024-12-18 Draw

History of this configuration:

White Red Tickets % Odds (1 in n)
0 0 3,921 20.1 4.92
0 1 3,647 18.7 5.32
0 2 1,085 5.6 18.61
0 3 91 0.5 179
0 4 2 0.0 5,396
0 5 0 0.0 836,455
1 0 3,639 18.6 5.32
1 1 3,445 17.6 5.74
1 2 946 4.8 20.10
1 3 117 0.6 194
1 4 8 0.0 5,828
1 5 0 0.0 903,371
2 0 1,120 5.7 18.61
2 1 945 4.8 20.10
2 2 302 1.5 70.34
2 3 27 0.1 679
2 4 0 0.0 20,398
2 5 0 0.0 3,161,801
3 0 113 0.6 179
3 1 99 0.5 194
3 2 17 0.1 679
3 3 5 0.0 6,572
3 4 0 0.0 197,187
3 5 0 0.0 30,564,079
4 0 6 0.0 5,396
4 1 3 0.0 5,828
4 2 2 0.0 20,398
4 3 0 0.0 197,187
4 4 0 0.0 5,915,628
4 5 0 0.0 916,922,374
5 0 0 0.0 836,455
5 1 0 0.0 903,371
5 2 0 0.0 3,161,801
5 3 0 0.0 30,564,079
5 4 0 0.0 916,922,374
5 5 0 0.0 142,122,968,064
Total 19,540  
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