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Lottery Simulator - Metadata

ID Created # white max white # red max red tickets Last Draw Draw
3681 2019-05-04 25 99 0 0 12,696 2024-08-16 Draw

History of this configuration:

White Red Tickets % Odds (1 in n)
0 0 4 0.0 5,188
1 0 26 0.2 415
2 0 181 1.4 73.50
3 0 621 4.9 21.67
4 0 1,295 10.2 9.49
5 0 2,174 17.1 5.81
6 0 2,724 21.5 4.80
7 0 2,444 19.3 5.21
8 0 1,738 13.7 7.33
9 0 895 7.0 13.24
10 0 389 3.1 30.51
11 0 148 1.2 89.49
12 0 47 0.4 334
13 0 8 0.1 1,593
14 0 2 0.0 9,762
15 0 0 0.0 77,455
16 0 0 0.0 805,540
17 0 0 0.0 11,158,225
18 0 0 0.0 210,262,808
19 0 0 0.0 5,544,072,420
20 0 0 0.0 212,522,776,115
21 0 0 0.0 12,496,339,235,571
22 0 0 0.0 1,219,955,117,872,693
23 0 0 0.0 224,471,741,688,575,648
24 0 0 0.0 >= 9,223,372,036,854,775,807
25 0 0 0.0 >= 9,223,372,036,854,775,807
Total 12,696  
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