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Lottery Simulator - Metadata

ID Created # white max white # red max red tickets Last Draw Draw
736 2010-10-20 4 8 3 6 31,518 2024-12-18 Draw

History of this configuration:

White Red Tickets % Odds (1 in n)
0 0 25 0.1 1,400
0 1 212 0.7 155
0 2 242 0.8 155
0 3 19 0.1 1,400
1 0 369 1.2 87.50
1 1 3,260 10.3 9.72
1 2 3,117 9.9 9.72
1 3 365 1.2 87.50
2 0 820 2.6 38.89
2 1 7,339 23.3 4.32
2 2 7,193 22.8 4.32
2 3 810 2.6 38.89
3 0 371 1.2 87.50
3 1 3,286 10.4 9.72
3 2 3,214 10.2 9.72
3 3 387 1.2 87.50
4 0 27 0.1 1,400
4 1 218 0.7 155
4 2 218 0.7 155
4 3 26 0.1 1,400
Total 31,518  
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