NFL 2012 (pay) - All Picks For Week

Player Games Score TBrk Rank
Poss Payout
toddm - X - - 0
jake.thunder - X - - 0
hmm - X - - 0
joes 0 X 0 - 0
JamesHeart - X - - 0
bmrogers - X - - 0
aggiejosh2002 - X - - 0
edkensik - X - - 0
jilleeo - X - - 0
Manning - X - - 0
reganrex - X - - 0
scp98 - X - - 0
Jackass - X - - 0
Andy L - X - - 0
Miller36 - X - - 0
ksphill - X - - 0
amazonwoman - X - - 0
Endzoni - X - - 0
Oberei - X - - 0
spiker - X - - 0
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Click a player's score to see player's full results for this week.
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Poss: Possible points for this player (remaining / total / WhatIf )
TBrk: Tiebreaker - combined score of Monday game. Only shows after Monday game picks are closed.
Picks are hidden with an 'X' until picking is closed.