Oscar Pool 2011
Picks are closed! All picks are revealed.
Player | Picture | Actor | Actress | Director | S.Actor | S.Actress | Animate | Orig Play | Adp Play | Document | Cinematog | Costume | Song | Total | Rank |
15 (7) | 10 (5) | 10 (5) | 8 (4) | 6 (3) | 6 (3) | 3 (1) | 3 (1) | 3 (1) | 2 (1) | 2 (1) | 1 (0) | 1 (0) | |||
jsfoster33 | The King's Speech | Colin Firth | Natalie Portman | David Fincher | Christian Bale | Melissa Leo | Toy Story 3 | The King's Speech | The Social Network | Strangers No More | True Grit | Alice in Wonderland | We Belong Together | 65 | 1 | The Social Network | James Franco | Annette Bening | Tom Hooper | Geoffrey Rush | Hailee Steinfeld | How to Train Your Dragon | The Kids Are All Right | True Grit | Killing in the Name | Inception | - | - |
Tanya 93 | The King's Speech | Colin Firth | Natalie Portman | Darren Aronofsky | Christian Bale | Melissa Leo | Toy Story 3 | The King's Speech | The Social Network | Strangers No More | Inception | The King's Speech | We Belong Together | 65 | 1 | The Social Network | James Franco | Annette Bening | Tom Hooper | Geoffrey Rush | Hailee Steinfeld | How to Train Your Dragon | Inception | Toy Story 3 | Sun Come Up | Black Swan | - | - |
Seven Costanza | The King's Speech | Colin Firth | Natalie Portman | David Fincher | Christian Bale | Melissa Leo | Toy Story 3 | The King's Speech | The Social Network | Strangers No More | Inception | The King's Speech | We Belong Together | 65 | 1 | The Social Network | Javier Bardem | Annette Bening | Tom Hooper | Geoffrey Rush | Hailee Steinfeld | How to Train Your Dragon | The Kids Are All Right | Winter's Bone | The Warriors of Qiugang | True Grit | - | - |
katemessina | The King's Speech | Colin Firth | Natalie Portman | Tom Hooper | Christian Bale | Melissa Leo | Toy Story 3 | The King's Speech | The Social Network | The Warriors of Qiugang | True Grit | True Grit | Coming Home | 65 | 1 | The Social Network | Javier Bardem | Annette Bening | David Fincher | Geoffrey Rush | Hailee Steinfeld | How to Train Your Dragon | The Kids Are All Right | 127 Hours | Strangers No More | Black Swan | - | - |
jmorgan31 | The King's Speech | Colin Firth | Natalie Portman | David Fincher | Christian Bale | Melissa Leo | Toy Story 3 | The King's Speech | The Social Network | Strangers No More | True Grit | The King's Speech | We Belong Together | 64 | 5 | The Social Network | Jeff Bridges | Annette Bening | Tom Hooper | Geoffrey Rush | Hailee Steinfeld | How to Train Your Dragon | Inception | True Grit | Killing in the Name | Inception | - | - |
Spicy McHaggis | The King's Speech | Colin Firth | Natalie Portman | David Fincher | Christian Bale | Melissa Leo | Toy Story 3 | The King's Speech | The Social Network | Strangers No More | True Grit | The King's Speech | We Belong Together | 64 | 5 | The Social Network | James Franco | Annette Bening | Tom Hooper | Geoffrey Rush | Hailee Steinfeld | How to Train Your Dragon | Inception | Toy Story 3 | Killing in the Name | Inception | - | - |
Walter Kovacs | The King's Speech | Colin Firth | Natalie Portman | David Fincher | Christian Bale | Melissa Leo | Toy Story 3 | The King's Speech | The Social Network | Killing in the Name | True Grit | Alice in Wonderland | We Belong Together | 64 | 5 | The Social Network | James Franco | Annette Bening | Tom Hooper | Geoffrey Rush | Hailee Steinfeld | How to Train Your Dragon | Inception | Toy Story 3 | Strangers No More | Inception | - | - |
Bunk Moreland | The King's Speech | Colin Firth | Natalie Portman | David Fincher | Christian Bale | Melissa Leo | Toy Story 3 | The King's Speech | The Social Network | Strangers No More | True Grit | The King's Speech | If I Rise | 63 | 8 | The Social Network | Javier Bardem | Annette Bening | Tom Hooper | Geoffrey Rush | Hailee Steinfeld | How to Train Your Dragon | Inception | True Grit | Killing in the Name | Inception | - | - |
phdag | The King's Speech | Colin Firth | Natalie Portman | David Fincher | Christian Bale | Melissa Leo | Toy Story 3 | Inception | The Social Network | Strangers No More | Inception | The King's Speech | We Belong Together | 63 | 8 | The Social Network | Jesse Eisenberg | Annette Bening | Tom Hooper | Geoffrey Rush | Hailee Steinfeld | How to Train Your Dragon | The King's Speech | 127 Hours | Killing in the Name | The King's Speech | - | - |
gambo | The King's Speech | Colin Firth | Natalie Portman | David Fincher | Christian Bale | Melissa Leo | Toy Story 3 | The King's Speech | The Social Network | Killing in the Name | Inception | Alice in Wonderland | I See the Light | 63 | 8 | The Social Network | Jesse Eisenberg | Annette Bening | Tom Hooper | Geoffrey Rush | Helena Bonham Carter | How to Train Your Dragon | Inception | 127 Hours | Poster Girl | Black Swan | - | - |
Amy | The King's Speech | Colin Firth | Natalie Portman | David Fincher | Christian Bale | Melissa Leo | Toy Story 3 | The King's Speech | The Social Network | Strangers No More | True Grit | The King's Speech | If I Rise | 63 | 8 | The Social Network | Jesse Eisenberg | Annette Bening | Tom Hooper | Geoffrey Rush | Helena Bonham Carter | How to Train Your Dragon | Inception | 127 Hours | Killing in the Name | Inception | - | - |
usmc1995 | The King's Speech | Colin Firth | Natalie Portman | Joel and Ethan Coen | Christian Bale | Melissa Leo | Toy Story 3 | Inception | The Social Network | Strangers No More | Black Swan | Alice in Wonderland | We Belong Together | 62 | 12 | Inception | James Franco | Jennifer Lawrence | Tom Hooper | Geoffrey Rush | Amy Adams | How to Train Your Dragon | The Fighter | 127 Hours | Killing in the Name | Inception | - | - |
bagger05 | The King's Speech | Colin Firth | Natalie Portman | David Fincher | Christian Bale | Hailee Steinfeld | Toy Story 3 | The King's Speech | The Social Network | Strangers No More | True Grit | Alice in Wonderland | We Belong Together | 62 | 12 | The Social Network | James Franco | Annette Bening | Tom Hooper | Jeremy Renner | Melissa Leo | How to Train Your Dragon | Inception | 127 Hours | Killing in the Name | Inception | - | - |
Matt788 | The King's Speech | Colin Firth | Natalie Portman | David Fincher | Christian Bale | Melissa Leo | Toy Story 3 | The King's Speech | The Social Network | The Warriors of Qiugang | True Grit | The King's Speech | We Belong Together | 62 | 12 | The Social Network | Jesse Eisenberg | Annette Bening | Tom Hooper | Geoffrey Rush | Hailee Steinfeld | How to Train Your Dragon | The Kids Are All Right | True Grit | Strangers No More | The Social Network | - | - |
lechnerd00 | The Social Network | Colin Firth | Natalie Portman | Tom Hooper | Christian Bale | Melissa Leo | Toy Story 3 | The King's Speech | The Social Network | Strangers No More | Black Swan | Alice in Wonderland | I See the Light | 60 | 15 | The King's Speech | Javier Bardem | Annette Bening | David Fincher | Geoffrey Rush | Jacki Weaver | How to Train Your Dragon | Inception | Winter's Bone | Poster Girl | Inception | - | - |
davidm | The King's Speech | Colin Firth | Natalie Portman | Tom Hooper | Geoffrey Rush | Melissa Leo | Toy Story 3 | Inception | The Social Network | Sun Come Up | Black Swan | Alice in Wonderland | Coming Home | 60 | 15 | The Social Network | Jesse Eisenberg | Michelle Williams | David Fincher | Christian Bale | Helena Bonham Carter | The Illusionist | The Fighter | 127 Hours | The Warriors of Qiugang | Inception | - | - |
Jackass | The King's Speech | Colin Firth | Natalie Portman | David Fincher | Christian Bale | Melissa Leo | Toy Story 3 | Inception | The Social Network | Killing in the Name | True Grit | The King's Speech | We Belong Together | 59 | 17 | The Social Network | James Franco | Annette Bening | Tom Hooper | Geoffrey Rush | Hailee Steinfeld | How to Train Your Dragon | The Fighter | 127 Hours | Poster Girl | Inception | - | - |
Jenn L | The King's Speech | Colin Firth | Natalie Portman | David Fincher | Christian Bale | Hailee Steinfeld | Toy Story 3 | The King's Speech | The Social Network | The Warriors of Qiugang | Black Swan | The King's Speech | We Belong Together | 59 | 17 | The Social Network | James Franco | Annette Bening | Tom Hooper | Geoffrey Rush | Melissa Leo | The Illusionist | The Kids Are All Right | Winter's Bone | Strangers No More | The King's Speech | - | - |
dadcat97 | The King's Speech | Colin Firth | Natalie Portman | Joel and Ethan Coen | Geoffrey Rush | Melissa Leo | Toy Story 3 | The Kids Are All Right | The Social Network | The Warriors of Qiugang | Inception | Alice in Wonderland | If I Rise | 58 | 19 | The Social Network | Jesse Eisenberg | Annette Bening | Tom Hooper | Christian Bale | Hailee Steinfeld | The Illusionist | The King's Speech | True Grit | Poster Girl | Black Swan | - | - |
phatbc | The King's Speech | Colin Firth | Natalie Portman | Darren Aronofsky | Christian Bale | Melissa Leo | Toy Story 3 | Inception | The Social Network | Killing in the Name | Inception | Alice in Wonderland | We Belong Together | 58 | 19 | The Social Network | James Franco | Annette Bening | David Fincher | Jeremy Renner | Helena Bonham Carter | How to Train Your Dragon | The King's Speech | Winter's Bone | The Warriors of Qiugang | Black Swan | - | - |
burnface1337 | The King's Speech | Colin Firth | Natalie Portman | Tom Hooper | Christian Bale | Hailee Steinfeld | Toy Story 3 | Inception | 127 Hours | Strangers No More | Black Swan | Alice in Wonderland | If I Rise | 58 | 19 | Black Swan | James Franco | Annette Bening | Joel and Ethan Coen | Mark Ruffalo | Helena Bonham Carter | How to Train Your Dragon | The King's Speech | The Social Network | Killing in the Name | Inception | - | - |
quodlibetic | The King's Speech | Colin Firth | Natalie Portman | Tom Hooper | Geoffrey Rush | Hailee Steinfeld | Toy Story 3 | The King's Speech | The Social Network | Killing in the Name | True Grit | Alice in Wonderland | We Belong Together | 58 | 19 | True Grit | Jeff Bridges | Annette Bening | Joel and Ethan Coen | Christian Bale | Helena Bonham Carter | The Illusionist | Another Year | True Grit | Poster Girl | Inception | - | - |
JamesHeart | The King's Speech | Colin Firth | Natalie Portman | Tom Hooper | Christian Bale | Hailee Steinfeld | Toy Story 3 | Inception | The Social Network | The Warriors of Qiugang | True Grit | Alice in Wonderland | We Belong Together | 58 | 19 | The Social Network | Jesse Eisenberg | Annette Bening | David Fincher | Geoffrey Rush | Helena Bonham Carter | How to Train Your Dragon | The King's Speech | True Grit | Killing in the Name | Black Swan | - | - |
AtlAgDX | The King's Speech | Colin Firth | Natalie Portman | Tom Hooper | Christian Bale | Amy Adams | Toy Story 3 | Inception | The Social Network | The Warriors of Qiugang | Black Swan | The Tempest | We Belong Together | 57 | 24 | Black Swan | Jeff Bridges | Michelle Williams | Darren Aronofsky | Geoffrey Rush | Hailee Steinfeld | How to Train Your Dragon | The King's Speech | Winter's Bone | Poster Girl | True Grit | - | - |
DearOldDad | The King's Speech | Colin Firth | Natalie Portman | David O Russell | Christian Bale | Helena Bonham Carter | Toy Story 3 | The Fighter | The Social Network | The Warriors of Qiugang | Black Swan | The Tempest | We Belong Together | 57 | 24 | The Social Network | Jesse Eisenberg | Jennifer Lawrence | Tom Hooper | Geoffrey Rush | Melissa Leo | How to Train Your Dragon | The King's Speech | 127 Hours | Killing in the Name | Inception | - | - |
Lauren | The King's Speech | Colin Firth | Natalie Portman | David Fincher | Christian Bale | Hailee Steinfeld | Toy Story 3 | Inception | The Social Network | Strangers No More | Inception | Alice in Wonderland | We Belong Together | 57 | 24 | The Social Network | James Franco | Annette Bening | Joel and Ethan Coen | Geoffrey Rush | Melissa Leo | How to Train Your Dragon | The King's Speech | Toy Story 3 | Poster Girl | Black Swan | - | - |
sharkenleo | The King's Speech | Colin Firth | Natalie Portman | David Fincher | Christian Bale | Melissa Leo | Toy Story 3 | Inception | The Social Network | The Warriors of Qiugang | Inception | The King's Speech | We Belong Together | 56 | 27 | The Social Network | Jesse Eisenberg | Annette Bening | Darren Aronofsky | Geoffrey Rush | Helena Bonham Carter | How to Train Your Dragon | The Kids Are All Right | 127 Hours | Poster Girl | Black Swan | - | - |
Ross | The King's Speech | Colin Firth | Natalie Portman | David Fincher | Christian Bale | Amy Adams | Toy Story 3 | The King's Speech | The Social Network | Strangers No More | The King's Speech | True Grit | We Belong Together | 56 | 27 | Inception | Javier Bardem | Annette Bening | David O Russell | Geoffrey Rush | Melissa Leo | How to Train Your Dragon | Inception | 127 Hours | Poster Girl | The Social Network | - | - |
warecornell | The King's Speech | Colin Firth | Natalie Portman | Tom Hooper | Geoffrey Rush | Helena Bonham Carter | Toy Story 3 | The King's Speech | The Social Network | Poster Girl | The King's Speech | The King's Speech | We Belong Together | 56 | 27 | Black Swan | Jeff Bridges | Annette Bening | Darren Aronofsky | Christian Bale | Amy Adams | How to Train Your Dragon | The Kids Are All Right | 127 Hours | The Warriors of Qiugang | Black Swan | - | - |
WalterKovacs | The Social Network | Colin Firth | Natalie Portman | David Fincher | Christian Bale | Melissa Leo | Toy Story 3 | The King's Speech | The Social Network | Sun Come Up | Inception | The King's Speech | We Belong Together | 55 | 30 | The King's Speech | James Franco | Annette Bening | Tom Hooper | Geoffrey Rush | Helena Bonham Carter | How to Train Your Dragon | Inception | 127 Hours | Killing in the Name | Black Swan | - | - |
texg156 | The King's Speech | Colin Firth | Natalie Portman | David Fincher | Christian Bale | Hailee Steinfeld | Toy Story 3 | Inception | The Social Network | Sun Come Up | Inception | Alice in Wonderland | We Belong Together | 55 | 30 | The Social Network | Jesse Eisenberg | Michelle Williams | Darren Aronofsky | Mark Ruffalo | Melissa Leo | How to Train Your Dragon | The King's Speech | 127 Hours | Poster Girl | True Grit | - | - |
becrowder | The King's Speech | Colin Firth | Natalie Portman | David Fincher | Christian Bale | Hailee Steinfeld | Toy Story 3 | The King's Speech | 127 Hours | The Warriors of Qiugang | Inception | Alice in Wonderland | I See the Light | 55 | 30 | Black Swan | Jeff Bridges | Jennifer Lawrence | Tom Hooper | Geoffrey Rush | Helena Bonham Carter | How to Train Your Dragon | Inception | The Social Network | Sun Come Up | Black Swan | - | - |
gigemg | The King's Speech | Colin Firth | Natalie Portman | Darren Aronofsky | Christian Bale | Hailee Steinfeld | Toy Story 3 | Inception | The Social Network | The Warriors of Qiugang | Inception | Alice in Wonderland | Coming Home | 54 | 33 | The Social Network | Jesse Eisenberg | Nicole Kidman | David Fincher | Jeremy Renner | Melissa Leo | The Illusionist | The King's Speech | 127 Hours | Poster Girl | Black Swan | - | - |
Cathi | The King's Speech | Colin Firth | Natalie Portman | Tom Hooper | Geoffrey Rush | Helena Bonham Carter | Toy Story 3 | The King's Speech | 127 Hours | The Warriors of Qiugang | The King's Speech | The King's Speech | We Belong Together | 54 | 33 | The Social Network | Javier Bardem | Annette Bening | David O Russell | Christian Bale | Amy Adams | How to Train Your Dragon | The Kids Are All Right | The Social Network | Sun Come Up | Black Swan | - | - |
hudson2508 | The Social Network | Colin Firth | Natalie Portman | David Fincher | Christian Bale | Melissa Leo | Toy Story 3 | The King's Speech | The Social Network | Strangers No More | True Grit | Alice in Wonderland | We Belong Together | 53 | 35 | The King's Speech | James Franco | Annette Bening | Joel and Ethan Coen | Geoffrey Rush | Hailee Steinfeld | How to Train Your Dragon | The Kids Are All Right | 127 Hours | The Warriors of Qiugang | Inception | - | - |
20ag07 | The Social Network | Colin Firth | Natalie Portman | David Fincher | Christian Bale | Hailee Steinfeld | Toy Story 3 | The King's Speech | The Social Network | Strangers No More | True Grit | Alice in Wonderland | We Belong Together | 53 | 35 | The King's Speech | Jesse Eisenberg | Annette Bening | Tom Hooper | Geoffrey Rush | Melissa Leo | How to Train Your Dragon | The Kids Are All Right | Winter's Bone | Killing in the Name | Black Swan | - | - |
fiskes | The King's Speech | Colin Firth | Natalie Portman | Tom Hooper | Geoffrey Rush | Helena Bonham Carter | Toy Story 3 | The King's Speech | Toy Story 3 | Poster Girl | Black Swan | Alice in Wonderland | We Belong Together | 52 | 37 | Black Swan | Jesse Eisenberg | Annette Bening | Darren Aronofsky | Jeremy Renner | Amy Adams | How to Train Your Dragon | Inception | The Social Network | The Warriors of Qiugang | The King's Speech | - | - |
Lacy05ag | The King's Speech | Colin Firth | Natalie Portman | Tom Hooper | Geoffrey Rush | Hailee Steinfeld | Toy Story 3 | Inception | 127 Hours | Killing in the Name | Black Swan | Alice in Wonderland | We Belong Together | 52 | 37 | 127 Hours | James Franco | Annette Bening | Darren Aronofsky | Christian Bale | Helena Bonham Carter | How to Train Your Dragon | The King's Speech | True Grit | The Warriors of Qiugang | True Grit | - | - |
shmooslave | The King's Speech | Colin Firth | Jennifer Lawrence | David Fincher | Christian Bale | Helena Bonham Carter | Toy Story 3 | The King's Speech | True Grit | Strangers No More | Inception | Alice in Wonderland | We Belong Together | 52 | 37 | Winter's Bone | James Franco | Natalie Portman | Tom Hooper | Geoffrey Rush | Amy Adams | How to Train Your Dragon | Inception | 127 Hours | Sun Come Up | The King's Speech | - | - |
Dawn | The King's Speech | Colin Firth | Natalie Portman | Joel and Ethan Coen | Jeremy Renner | Helena Bonham Carter | How to Train Your Dragon | Inception | The Social Network | Sun Come Up | Inception | The King's Speech | We Belong Together | 51 | 40 | The Social Network | James Franco | Annette Bening | Tom Hooper | Christian Bale | Amy Adams | Toy Story 3 | The King's Speech | 127 Hours | Strangers No More | Black Swan | - | - |
aggiejosh2002 | The King's Speech | Colin Firth | Jennifer Lawrence | David Fincher | Christian Bale | Hailee Steinfeld | Toy Story 3 | Inception | The Social Network | The Warriors of Qiugang | Inception | The King's Speech | I See the Light | 50 | 41 | The Social Network | James Franco | Natalie Portman | Tom Hooper | Geoffrey Rush | Helena Bonham Carter | How to Train Your Dragon | The King's Speech | Winter's Bone | Strangers No More | Black Swan | - | - |
flatfrog08 | The King's Speech | Colin Firth | Natalie Portman | Darren Aronofsky | Geoffrey Rush | Amy Adams | Toy Story 3 | The King's Speech | 127 Hours | The Warriors of Qiugang | Black Swan | The Tempest | We Belong Together | 50 | 41 | Black Swan | Javier Bardem | Annette Bening | David O Russell | Christian Bale | Melissa Leo | How to Train Your Dragon | Another Year | The Social Network | Poster Girl | Inception | - | - |
boxofficepoison | The King's Speech | Colin Firth | Natalie Portman | Joel and Ethan Coen | Mark Ruffalo | Hailee Steinfeld | Toy Story 3 | The King's Speech | The Social Network | Killing in the Name | Inception | The Tempest | Coming Home | 50 | 41 | The Social Network | Jesse Eisenberg | Michelle Williams | Tom Hooper | Geoffrey Rush | Amy Adams | How to Train Your Dragon | Another Year | Winter's Bone | Poster Girl | Black Swan | - | - |
transitionalman | The Social Network | Colin Firth | Natalie Portman | David Fincher | Geoffrey Rush | Hailee Steinfeld | Toy Story 3 | The King's Speech | The Social Network | Strangers No More | Black Swan | I Am Love | We Belong Together | 49 | 44 | The King's Speech | Jesse Eisenberg | Jennifer Lawrence | Tom Hooper | Christian Bale | Melissa Leo | How to Train Your Dragon | The Kids Are All Right | True Grit | Killing in the Name | The Social Network | - | - |
Lissa | The King's Speech | James Franco | Annette Bening | Tom Hooper | Geoffrey Rush | Melissa Leo | Toy Story 3 | Inception | The Social Network | Sun Come Up | Inception | Alice in Wonderland | We Belong Together | 49 | 44 | The Social Network | Colin Firth | Natalie Portman | Darren Aronofsky | Jeremy Renner | Jacki Weaver | The Illusionist | The Fighter | 127 Hours | Poster Girl | True Grit | - | - |
Victoria | The King's Speech | Colin Firth | Natalie Portman | Joel and Ethan Coen | Geoffrey Rush | Hailee Steinfeld | Toy Story 3 | Inception | The Social Network | The Warriors of Qiugang | Inception | Alice in Wonderland | We Belong Together | 49 | 44 | True Grit | Jeff Bridges | Annette Bening | Darren Aronofsky | Christian Bale | Helena Bonham Carter | How to Train Your Dragon | The Fighter | True Grit | Strangers No More | Black Swan | - | - |
tomtomdrumdrum | The Social Network | Colin Firth | Annette Bening | David Fincher | Christian Bale | Melissa Leo | Toy Story 3 | The King's Speech | The Social Network | Strangers No More | Inception | Alice in Wonderland | If I Rise | 48 | 47 | The King's Speech | James Franco | Natalie Portman | Joel and Ethan Coen | Geoffrey Rush | Helena Bonham Carter | How to Train Your Dragon | The Kids Are All Right | 127 Hours | The Warriors of Qiugang | Black Swan | - | - |
bluefire579 | The King's Speech | Jesse Eisenberg | Annette Bening | Tom Hooper | Christian Bale | Hailee Steinfeld | Toy Story 3 | Inception | The Social Network | Sun Come Up | Inception | Alice in Wonderland | We Belong Together | 48 | 47 | The Social Network | Jeff Bridges | Natalie Portman | David Fincher | Geoffrey Rush | Melissa Leo | How to Train Your Dragon | The King's Speech | 127 Hours | Killing in the Name | Black Swan | - | - |
kathrynm | The Social Network | Colin Firth | Natalie Portman | David Fincher | Christian Bale | Melissa Leo | Toy Story 3 | Inception | Toy Story 3 | Killing in the Name | Black Swan | Alice in Wonderland | We Belong Together | 46 | 49 | The King's Speech | James Franco | Michelle Williams | Darren Aronofsky | Mark Ruffalo | Amy Adams | The Illusionist | The Kids Are All Right | The Social Network | Poster Girl | Inception | - | - |
mbole | The Social Network | Colin Firth | Natalie Portman | Darren Aronofsky | Christian Bale | Melissa Leo | Toy Story 3 | The Fighter | 127 Hours | Strangers No More | The King's Speech | Alice in Wonderland | We Belong Together | 46 | 49 | The King's Speech | Jeff Bridges | Annette Bening | Joel and Ethan Coen | Geoffrey Rush | Hailee Steinfeld | How to Train Your Dragon | Inception | True Grit | Poster Girl | Black Swan | - | - |
amiesbabyzach | Black Swan | Colin Firth | Natalie Portman | Tom Hooper | Christian Bale | Amy Adams | Toy Story 3 | The King's Speech | The Social Network | Poster Girl | Black Swan | Alice in Wonderland | Coming Home | 45 | 51 | The Kids Are All Right | Jesse Eisenberg | Annette Bening | David Fincher | Geoffrey Rush | Helena Bonham Carter | How to Train Your Dragon | Inception | 127 Hours | Sun Come Up | Inception | - | - |
JESilverstein | The Social Network | Colin Firth | Natalie Portman | Darren Aronofsky | Geoffrey Rush | Hailee Steinfeld | Toy Story 3 | The King's Speech | The Social Network | Sun Come Up | Black Swan | Alice in Wonderland | If I Rise | 44 | 52 | The King's Speech | Jeff Bridges | Jennifer Lawrence | Joel and Ethan Coen | Christian Bale | Melissa Leo | How to Train Your Dragon | Inception | True Grit | The Warriors of Qiugang | Inception | - | - |
LennXman | The Social Network | Colin Firth | Natalie Portman | David Fincher | Christian Bale | Helena Bonham Carter | Toy Story 3 | Inception | The Social Network | Killing in the Name | Inception | Alice in Wonderland | We Belong Together | 43 | 53 | The King's Speech | Jeff Bridges | Annette Bening | Darren Aronofsky | Geoffrey Rush | Hailee Steinfeld | How to Train Your Dragon | The Kids Are All Right | 127 Hours | Poster Girl | Black Swan | - | - |
bigpoppanate | The Social Network | Colin Firth | Annette Bening | David Fincher | Christian Bale | Melissa Leo | Toy Story 3 | Inception | The Social Network | The Warriors of Qiugang | Black Swan | I Am Love | If I Rise | 42 | 54 | The King's Speech | Javier Bardem | Natalie Portman | Darren Aronofsky | Geoffrey Rush | Amy Adams | How to Train Your Dragon | The Kids Are All Right | 127 Hours | Strangers No More | Inception | - | - |
IrishTexasAggie | Black Swan | Colin Firth | Natalie Portman | David Fincher | Geoffrey Rush | Helena Bonham Carter | Toy Story 3 | The King's Speech | The Social Network | Killing in the Name | Inception | Alice in Wonderland | We Belong Together | 37 | 55 | The Social Network | Javier Bardem | Annette Bening | Darren Aronofsky | Christian Bale | Amy Adams | How to Train Your Dragon | The Kids Are All Right | 127 Hours | Strangers No More | Black Swan | - | - |
edkensik | The Social Network | James Franco | Natalie Portman | Joel and Ethan Coen | Christian Bale | Melissa Leo | Toy Story 3 | The Fighter | The Social Network | Killing in the Name | Black Swan | Alice in Wonderland | We Belong Together | 36 | 56 | True Grit | Colin Firth | Nicole Kidman | Darren Aronofsky | Mark Ruffalo | Hailee Steinfeld | How to Train Your Dragon | Inception | True Grit | The Warriors of Qiugang | Inception | - | - |
Gradin | The Social Network | Colin Firth | Annette Bening | David Fincher | Geoffrey Rush | Hailee Steinfeld | Toy Story 3 | Inception | The Social Network | Sun Come Up | Inception | Alice in Wonderland | We Belong Together | 35 | 57 | The King's Speech | Jeff Bridges | Natalie Portman | David O Russell | Christian Bale | Amy Adams | How to Train Your Dragon | The Kids Are All Right | True Grit | Killing in the Name | The Social Network | - | - |
wendymac98 | Black Swan | Javier Bardem | Natalie Portman | Darren Aronofsky | Geoffrey Rush | Helena Bonham Carter | Toy Story 3 | Inception | 127 Hours | Killing in the Name | Inception | Alice in Wonderland | We Belong Together | 34 | 58 | The King's Speech | Colin Firth | Annette Bening | Tom Hooper | Mark Ruffalo | Amy Adams | How to Train Your Dragon | The Kids Are All Right | The Social Network | Poster Girl | Black Swan | - | - |
lvenneri | The Social Network | Colin Firth | Natalie Portman | David Fincher | Geoffrey Rush | Helena Bonham Carter | Toy Story 3 | Inception | The Social Network | Strangers No More | Black Swan | Alice in Wonderland | I See the Light | 33 | 59 | The Fighter | Javier Bardem | Annette Bening | Joel and Ethan Coen | Christian Bale | Amy Adams | The Illusionist | The Fighter | 127 Hours | The Warriors of Qiugang | Inception | - | - |
Burnetag | The Social Network | Jesse Eisenberg | Natalie Portman | Tom Hooper | Christian Bale | Amy Adams | Toy Story 3 | Inception | The Social Network | Sun Come Up | Black Swan | Alice in Wonderland | We Belong Together | 33 | 59 | Toy Story 3 | Jeff Bridges | Nicole Kidman | Darren Aronofsky | Mark Ruffalo | Hailee Steinfeld | The Illusionist | The Fighter | Toy Story 3 | Killing in the Name | Inception | - | - |
trouble | Black Swan | Jeff Bridges | Natalie Portman | Joel and Ethan Coen | Geoffrey Rush | Hailee Steinfeld | Toy Story 3 | Inception | True Grit | Killing in the Name | Black Swan | Alice in Wonderland | We Belong Together | 31 | 61 | The King's Speech | Colin Firth | Jennifer Lawrence | Darren Aronofsky | Christian Bale | Amy Adams | How to Train Your Dragon | The King's Speech | Toy Story 3 | Poster Girl | True Grit | - | - |
Oce07 | Toy Story 3 | Colin Firth | Michelle Williams | David O Russell | John Hawkes | Helena Bonham Carter | Toy Story 3 | Inception | 127 Hours | Killing in the Name | Black Swan | Alice in Wonderland | We Belong Together | 31 | 61 | The King's Speech | Jeff Bridges | Natalie Portman | Darren Aronofsky | Christian Bale | Amy Adams | How to Train Your Dragon | The King's Speech | True Grit | The Warriors of Qiugang | The King's Speech | - | - |
Ironred13 | The Social Network | Colin Firth | Natalie Portman | David Fincher | Jeremy Renner | Amy Adams | How to Train Your Dragon | Inception | 127 Hours | The Warriors of Qiugang | Inception | The King's Speech | If I Rise | 31 | 61 | Black Swan | Javier Bardem | Nicole Kidman | Tom Hooper | Geoffrey Rush | Melissa Leo | Toy Story 3 | The Fighter | The Social Network | Sun Come Up | Black Swan | - | - |
abileneag09 | Toy Story 3 | Jeff Bridges | Natalie Portman | Joel and Ethan Coen | Christian Bale | Hailee Steinfeld | Toy Story 3 | Inception | True Grit | Killing in the Name | Inception | Alice in Wonderland | We Belong Together | 31 | 61 | Black Swan | Colin Firth | Annette Bening | Darren Aronofsky | Jeremy Renner | Amy Adams | How to Train Your Dragon | The King's Speech | The Social Network | Strangers No More | Black Swan | - | - |
shortymontessori | The Social Network | Jesse Eisenberg | Natalie Portman | Darren Aronofsky | Christian Bale | Helena Bonham Carter | Toy Story 3 | Inception | Toy Story 3 | Poster Girl | Inception | Alice in Wonderland | We Belong Together | 31 | 61 | The King's Speech | Jeff Bridges | Nicole Kidman | David Fincher | Mark Ruffalo | Jacki Weaver | How to Train Your Dragon | The King's Speech | True Grit | Sun Come Up | Black Swan | - | - |
baysbabe99 | The Kids Are All Right | Jeff Bridges | Natalie Portman | David Fincher | Geoffrey Rush | Hailee Steinfeld | Toy Story 3 | The Kids Are All Right | Winter's Bone | Sun Come Up | Inception | Alice in Wonderland | We Belong Together | 29 | 66 | The Social Network | Colin Firth | Annette Bening | Joel and Ethan Coen | Christian Bale | Melissa Leo | How to Train Your Dragon | The King's Speech | 127 Hours | The Warriors of Qiugang | True Grit | - | - |
darrylectomy | The Social Network | Jeff Bridges | Michelle Williams | Joel and Ethan Coen | Christian Bale | Amy Adams | How to Train Your Dragon | Inception | 127 Hours | Killing in the Name | Inception | Alice in Wonderland | If I Rise | 29 | 66 | The King's Speech | Colin Firth | Natalie Portman | Darren Aronofsky | Jeremy Renner | Helena Bonham Carter | Toy Story 3 | The Kids Are All Right | The Social Network | Strangers No More | Black Swan | - | - |
ironymaiden | Inception | Jeff Bridges | Jennifer Lawrence | Joel and Ethan Coen | John Hawkes | Hailee Steinfeld | Toy Story 3 | Inception | True Grit | The Warriors of Qiugang | Inception | I Am Love | I See the Light | 26 | 68 | The King's Speech | Colin Firth | Natalie Portman | Darren Aronofsky | Geoffrey Rush | Melissa Leo | The Illusionist | The King's Speech | Winter's Bone | Killing in the Name | True Grit | - | - |
txagbq2009 | The Social Network | Jesse Eisenberg | Natalie Portman | David Fincher | Geoffrey Rush | Hailee Steinfeld | Toy Story 3 | Inception | True Grit | Sun Come Up | Inception | Alice in Wonderland | We Belong Together | 23 | 69 | Inception | Colin Firth | Michelle Williams | Joel and Ethan Coen | John Hawkes | Amy Adams | How to Train Your Dragon | The King's Speech | 127 Hours | Killing in the Name | Black Swan | - | - |